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The Kansas Bowhunters Association
A fraternal organization of Kansas bowhunters.

Bowhunting is the primary interest of the membership and the ultimate aim is the proper harvest of wild game with a bow and arrow in a humane and sportsmanlike manner.

The KBA stands for the wise use of our natural resources and the conservation of our wild game and their habitats. With this is mind, the KBA does not hold to the theory that everyone can or should be a bowhunter. Quite the contrary, the KBA stipulates that only persons who are willing to put forth the effort to assure that the sport will be undertaken in a humane, sportsmanlike manner should attempt to harvest game with a bow and arrow.

The impetus of the KBA has been directed not to the taking of large numbers of game animals, but rather toward the taking of game in an ethical, humane manner… a manner which enhances the hunter’s character, not his fame.

This website is dedicated to sharing the goals and achievements of the KBA with its members, along with providing essential information about hunting in the great State of Kansas.

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